You are invited! Competitive Edge: The central importance of essential skills to Canada’s economic future

Home UncategorizedYou are invited! Competitive Edge: The central importance of essential skills to Canada’s economic future

August 31, 2015

You are invited to help WPH celebrate Lifelong Learning Week!

Workforce Planning Hamilton understands the important of lifelong learning and is supportive of the Adult Basic Education Association’s yearly Lifelong Learning Week initiative.

Did you know?

  • Forty per cent of our workforce does not have the essential skills – including language, literacy and numeracy – needed to apply their technical skills and knowledge at globally competitive levels.
  • It is time for us all, employers, service providers and workers, to better understand the essential skills.

Don’t miss your opportunity to learn from Scott Murray, an Essential Skills expert, from DataAngel Policy Research Incorporated.

Scott will be speaking about the importance of upgrading the Essential Skill levels of the Canadian workforce to ensure that the entire workforce can apply their technical skills and knowledge to globally competitive levels.

Click here to register for the event

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