Hamilton’s Job Satisfaction Survey

Home UncategorizedHamilton’s Job Satisfaction Survey

December 7, 2020

Over the years, WPH have heard from Hamilton employers about struggles to find qualified workers. In 2019, WPH designed the Hamilton Job Satisfaction Survey to better understand what keeps workers at their jobs.

Our annual EmployerOne survey reports the same information each year. It is obvious for businesses: when you find a worker that fits with your business, you want to keep them, keep them happy and keep them engaged.

Over the last couple of years, WPH has been hearing that retention is an increasing issue especially for certain roles. Our EmployerOne survey (January 2019) showed that the number of employers experiencing “quits” had increased year over year from 71% in 2018 to 79% in 2019. This is substantiated in our conversations with employers: Many workers are leaving their roles for other jobs.

The Hamilton Job Satisfaction Surveys asked employees from many businesses representing a range of sectors what they valued about their job and what would make them want to leave. We also included current jobseekers that were unemployed for less than a year. The Job Satisfaction Survey was open from early July to the end of September 2019. We had 380 usable responses in that time.

Click the picture to download the full report.

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We are collecting data to better understand who is looking for work and what kind of opportunities jobseekers are searching for. This data is completely anonymous and non-personally identifiable.

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