January 02, 2020
As Workforce Planning Hamilton Executive Director Judy Travis explains, “As Hamilton faces a declining unemployment rate (ranging from a low of 3.9 in April 2019 to a high of 5.0 in September 2019) a tight labour market is occurring and we are seeing a job seekers’ market with regards to finding employment.”
To help combat a skills and jobs mismatch WPH’s EmployerOne Survey pinpoints the occupations that are available in Hamilton and the gaps that are occurring as employers have difficulty finding qualified workers. Last year we surveyed 326 employers and found that the majority of employers (84%) planned to hire in 2019. However, 65% of employers reported that they had positions that were hard-to-fill and that this is a frustrating time to be recruiting.
EmployerOne is live from January 2 – 31, 2020 and is the most efficient way for Hamilton employers of all sizes and sectors to partner with WPH in building a strong workforce and prosperity for themselves and for the community. The survey is confidential and takes about 15 minutes to complete.
By completing this survey, employers could win a free booth at the Connect to Careers Job Fair on March 5, 2020 (a $600+ value and access to over 2,500 students and recent grads).
Let WPH help you by completing the survey today!
Click here to access the survey
If you would like more information about EmployerOne please contact: Judy Travis, Executive Director at 905-521-5777 ext. 15 or by email: judy.travis@workforceplanninghamilton.ca
We are collecting data to better understand who is looking for work and what kind of opportunities jobseekers are searching for. This data is completely anonymous and non-personally identifiable.
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