January 11, 2015
Did you know that the majority of Hamilton employers find recruitment to be challenging?
Future concerns YOU may have for your business
What is the Hire Learning Survey?
In January 2014, your community leader in local workforce development, Workforce Planning Hamilton (WPH) launched an annual initiative called the Hire Learning Survey to gather information from local employers. The survey asked employers about their ever changing skills requirements and produced important key findings which will help economic developers and organizations that support and grow the local workforce.
Results of Workforce Planning Hamilton’s 2014 Hire Learning Survey (HLS)
69% of those surveyed reported that there were too few qualified candidates
Most employers are looking to expand in the coming years, and there will be many issues trying to source the best qualified candidates
Hire Learning Survey for 2015
For 2015 WPH’s funder, the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities, has adapted the survey to gather more detailed information, and it will be shared out over the Western Region in January.
During the month of January 2015 local employers will be able to share their workforce needs, experiences, current and future skills shortages, and more, in a confidential manner.
Our Partners
To achieve the best results possible Workforce Planning Hamilton has partnered with the City of Hamilton, Hamilton Chamber of Commerce, McMaster University, Mohawk College, and the local business community to create an efficient way to access real-time local labour market information from employers. Our partners are helping to share the news about the survey to their employer contacts.
Complete the survey today!
If you are a local business owner or Human Resources manager for a Hamilton firm complete the Hire Learning Survey today to share your experiences and to help Hamilton’s workforce to be prosperous.
Please click the link below to complete the survey.
Questions can be directed to: Viktor Cicman, Workforce Planning Hamilton at 905-521-5777 or by email at: viktorcicman@workforceplanninghamilton.ca.
We are collecting data to better understand who is looking for work and what kind of opportunities jobseekers are searching for. This data is completely anonymous and non-personally identifiable.
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